Lavendula angustifolia dwarf Blue12 cm Pot
Lavendula angustifolia dwarf Blue
Pot plant
Pot size plant Ø 12cm
1 lavender plant
Delivery height 20-30 cm
Easy to grow
Out of stock
Lavender angustifolia Dwarf Blue is a fragrant shrub-like plant that can be...
Botanical name | Lavendula angustifolia dwarf Blue |
Category | Lavendula |
Delivered as | Pot plant |
aa_height | 20-30cm |
Qty | 1x |
Flowers | No |
Fragranr | Yes |
Cutflowers | No |
Fruits | No |
Edible | No |
Location | Sunny |
Hardy | Yes |
Groundcovering | No |
Naturalizing | No |
Plant Depth | 12cm |
Preferred Soil | Any soil |
Full grown height | 40cm - 60cm |
Poisonous | No |
Size | Ø 12cm |
How to take care of Lavendula angustifolia dwarf Blue12 cm Pot
The most important factor when growing lavender is to use a well-drained limey soil (alkaline) and little or no fertilizer. Lavender thrive best in sunny locations. Problems usually arise because the soil is unhealthy. Avoid chemicals and fertilizers that kill the beneficial organisms in the soil. Planting distance is 20cm. Plant on such a depth (10cm) that the first green leaves only just show above the soil. Water well after planting. Pruning is necessary to extend the life of the plant. Trim lightly in autumn immediately after flowering and in mid spring cut back straggly plants to promote bushy new growth. Cut back to about a third of the grey-leaved stems. Lavenders that are not pruned have a tendency to become woody in the centre.
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